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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - thought


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Перевод с английского языка thought на русский

1. мышление freedom of thought —- свобода мысли thought disorder —- психическое расстройство after much thought —- после долгих размышлений to give a great deal of thought to smth. —- много размышлять о чем-л. after (giving the matter) some thought —- поразмыслив немного (об этом деле) to be deep (lost, absorbed) in thought —- погрузиться в размышления (в свои мысли) to spend whole hours in thought —- проводить долгие часы в размышлениях a few moments' thought made him change his mind —- минутное размышление заставило его отказаться от этого намерения; поразмыслив немного, он передумал it's a pity he doesn't put more thought into his books —- жаль, что он так легкомысленно относится к занятиям animals are incapable of thought —- животные неспособны мыслить 2. воображение beauty beyond thought —- несказанная (необыкновенная) красота 3. мысль, идея; мнение; соображение noble thought —- благородная мысль thought control —- неодобр. стеснение интеллектуальной свободы full of dismal thoughts —- полный мрачных мыслей at the thought of smth. —- при мысли о чем-л. at the thought that... —- при мысли о том, что... the mere thought of it... —- одна (сама) мысль об этом... the mere thought of it makes my blood boil —- при одной мысли об этом у меня закипает кровь to speak one's thought(s) —- прямо говорить, что думаешь to collect (to compose) one's thoughts —- собраться с мыслями to read smb.'s thoughts —- читать чьи-л. мысли to reject (to discard) a thought —- отбросить мысль (о чем-л.) to exchange thoughts with one another —- обмениваться мыслями друг с другом to keep one's thoughts to oneself —- ни с кем не делиться своими мыслями to follow the thread of smb.'s thought —- следить за ходом чьей-л. мысли have you ever given it a single thought? —- ты хоть когда-нибудь задумывался об этом? you're always in my thoughts —- я не забываю о тебе ни на минуту the thought came suddenly to me (to my head) —- мне вдруг пришла в голову мысль such a thought would never occur to me (enter my head) —- такая мысль никогда бы не пришла мне в голову I have very few thoughts on the subject —- у меня мало соображений по этому поводу, мне нечего сказать по этому вопросу tell me your thoughts on the matter —- что ты думаешь по этому поводу? he hasn't a thought in his head —- он ни о чем не думает, он совсем пустоголовый her thoughts were elsewhere —- мыслями (в мыслях) она была (уносилась) далеко a penny for your thoughts —- о чем ты думаешь? 4. мысль, взгляды, воззрения modern thought —- современная мысль to keep specialists aware of current thought —- держать специалистов в курсе современной (научной) мысли 5. учение, философия an excellent introduction to Gandhi's thought —- прекрасное введение в философию (в учение) Ганди 6. намерение to have no thought(s) of going there —- не иметь ни малейшего намерения ехать туда I had a thought of asking him to dinner —- я хотел (думал) пригласить его на обед I had no thought of offending you —- я не хотел вас обидеть, у меня и в мыслях не было вас обидеть 7. ожидание, надежда I had no thought of meeting you here —- вот уж не думал вас здесь встретить you must give up all thought(s) of seeing him —- не рассчитывайте (не надейтесь) увидеться с ним, вам придется отказаться от мыли увидеться с ним he had no thought of disaster —- он совершенно не думал о катастрофе (не ожидал катастрофы), у него и в мыслях не было, что близка катастрофа 8. забота, внимание; думы full of thought for smb. —- заботящийся (постоянно думающий) о ком-л. to take (to show, to have) thought for smb. —- заботиться о ком-л. to give smth. no thought —- не обратить внимания на что-л. don't give it a moment's thought —- не думайте об этом; можете быть совершенно спокойны на этот счет I didn't give it another thought —- я перестал думать об этом, я выбросил это из головы her one thought is to get married —- она во власти одной мысли (поглощена одной мыслью) - выйти замуж 9. разг. немного; капелька, чуточка, самая малость a thought shorter —- чуть короче please, be a thought more careful —- будьте, пожалуйста, поосторожней (повнимательней) the colour was a thought too dark —- цвет был чуточку темнее, чем нужно 10. уст. тревога; печаль; огорчение; досада 11. диал. причина тревоги, беспокойства Id: first thoughts —- первая мысль, первый импульс Id: on (upon) second thought(s) —- по зрелом размышлении Id: as quick (as swift) as thought —- быстрый, как мысль Id: to take thought —- призадуматься Id: to take thought for the morrow —- думать о завтрашнем дне Id: to take no thought for the morrow —- не думать о завтрашнем дне, быть легкомысленным Id: second thoughts are best —- семь раз отмерь - один отрежь 12. p. и p-p. от think
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См. в других словарях

  noun  1) мысль; мышление; размышление; to collect/compose ones thoughts - собраться с мыслями; (lost) in thought - погруженный в размышления; to read smb. s thoughts - читать чьи-л. мысли; to take thought - задуматься; опечалиться  2) намерение  3) забота; внимание; to take/show thought for smb. - заботиться о ком-л.; thank you for your kind thought of me - благодарю вас за внимание ко мне  4) (a thought) чуточка (обыкн. употр. как нареч.: чуточку); a thought more polite - чуть вежливей (as) quick as thought - с быстротой молнии; мгновенно second thoughts are best prov. - семь раз отмерь, один раз отрежь Syn: see idea ...
Англо-русский словарь
  сущ. 1) мысль 2) мнение 3) идея, соображение Syn: idea ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) мысль 2) мышление 3) намерение - laws of thought - second thought THOUGHTFUL заботливый, вдумчивый ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. n. 1 the process or power of thinking; the faculty of reason. 2 a way of thinking characteristic of or associated with a particular time, people, group, etc. (medieval European thought). 3 sober reflection or consideration (gave it much thought). 4 an idea or piece of reasoning produced by thinking (many good thoughts came out of the discussion). 5 (foll. by of + verbal noun or to + infin.) a partly formed intention or hope (gave up all thoughts of winning; had no thought to go). 6 (usu. in pl.) what one is thinking; one's opinion (have you any thoughts on this?). 7 the subject of one's thinking (my one thought was to get away). 8 (prec. by a) somewhat (seems to me a thought arrogant). Phrases and idioms give thought to consider; think about. in thought thinking, meditating. take thought consider matters. thought-provoking stimulating serious thought. thought-reader a person supposedly able to perceive another's thoughts. thought-reading the supposed perception of what another is thinking. thought transference telepathy. thought-wave an undulation of the supposed medium of thought transference. Derivatives -thoughted adj. (in comb.). Etymology: OE thoht (as THINK) 2. past and past part. of THINK. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. past and past participle of think  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English thoht; akin to Old English thencan to think — more at think  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. the action or process of thinking ; cogitation  b. serious consideration ; regard  c. archaic recollection, remembrance  2.  a. reasoning power  b. the power to imagine ; conception  3. something that is ~: as  a. an individual act or product of thinking  b. a developed intention or plan had no ~ of leaving home  c. something (as an opinion or belief) in the mind he spoke his ~s freely  d. the intellectual product or the organized views and principles of a period, place, group, or individual contemporary Western ~  Synonyms: see idea ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (thoughts) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Thought is the past tense and past participle of think. 2. A thought is an idea that you have in your mind. The thought of Nick made her throat tighten... He pushed the thought from his mind... I’ve just had a thought. N-COUNT: oft N of n/-ing, N that 3. A person’s thoughts are their mind, or all the ideas in their mind when they are concentrating on one particular thing. I jumped to my feet so my thoughts wouldn’t start to wander... If he wasn’t there physically, he was always in her thoughts. N-PLURAL: usu poss N 4. A person’s thoughts are their opinions on a particular subject. Many of you have written to us to express your thoughts on the conflict... Mr Goodman, do you have any thoughts on that? N-PLURAL: oft poss N, N on/about n 5. Thought is the activity of thinking, especially deeply, carefully, or logically. Alice had been so deep in thought that she had walked past her car without even seeing it... He had given some thought to what she had told him... N-UNCOUNT 6. A thought is an intention, hope, or reason for doing something. Sarah’s first thought was to run back and get Max... They had no thought of surrender... N-COUNT: oft N of n 7. A thought is an act of kindness or an offer of help; used especially when you are thanking someone, or expressing admiration of someone. ‘Would you like to move into the ward?’—‘A kind thought, but no, thank you.’ N-SING: with supp, oft adj N 8. Thought is the group of ideas and beliefs which belongs, for example, to a particular religion, philosophy, science, or political party. Aristotle’s scientific theories dominated Western thought for fifteen hundred years... N-UNCOUNT 9. see also second thought ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 past tense and past participle of think1 ~2 n 1 »STH YOU THINK ABOUT« something that you think of, remember, or realize; idea  (I was just going to pick up the phone when a sudden thought made me hesitate.) + of  (a traveller's thoughts of home) the thought (that)  (I'm bothered by the thought that I might not have a job next year. | have a thought (=suddenly think of something))  (I've just had a thought - why don't we invite Judith? | the thought crossed my mind (=I considered it))  ("Do you think we should cancel the holiday?" "The thought had crossed my mind." | a/the thought occurs to sb (=someone thinks of something))  (The thought has just occurred to me, that we should get some insurance. | the very thought (of) (=used when a thought produces strong feelings))  (The very thought of moving to New York filled him with dread. | sobering thought (=a serious and worrying thought))  (It's a sobering thought that this country spends more on weapons than on education. | dark thoughts (=evil or sad thoughts))  (You must put such dark thoughts out of your mind. | cannot bear the thought of (=be unable to accept an idea))  (Louis could not bear the thought of being parted from her.) 2 »ACT OF THINKING« the act of thinking  (lost/deep in thought (=thinking so much that you do not notice what is happening around you))  (Derek was staring out of the window, lost in thought. | thought process (=the way people's minds work))  (Piaget helped teachers to understand children's thought processes.) 3 »CAREFUL CONSIDERATION« careful and serious consideration  (With more thought and care this would have been a first class essay. | give sth thought (=think carefully about sth))  (I've been giving your proposal a lot of thought.) 4 that's a thought! spoken used to say that someone has made a good suggestion  ("Why don't you ask Walter's advice?" "That's a thought! - I'll phone him right away.") 5 it's just a thought spoken used to say that what you have just said is only a suggestion and you have not thought about it...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. юoht, geюoht, from stem of юencan "to conceive of in the mind, consider" (see think). Thoughtful in the sense of "considerate of others" is first recorded 1851. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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